
Saturday, 25 August 2012

Playing with recipes (Creamy Mushroom Sauce)

This recipe is for people like me that find it boring to have steak and fries with no sauce by the side, and would have to make do with ketchup or mayonnaise.
I searched and searched for a simple and yummy sauce to compliment my steak and voila! i found this delicious mushroom sauce that would make you not go to restaurants again for steaks because you would rather prepare it yourself and enjoy in the comfort of your home.
These are the ingredients you would need and its super fast and easy, preparation time is less than 10 minutes.

  • mushroom
  • butter
  • cream or milk
  • mustard
  • pinch of cumin seed (optional)
  • garlic
  • paprika
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • mixed herbs (basil, parsley and coriander)


1. Melt butter with crushed garlic and paprika in a pan.
2. Add sliced mushroom and cook until butter is mushroom colour.
3. Add cream or milk (quantity depends on the number of  the people eating), cumin seeds, mustard, salt, black pepper and the mixed herbs (a pinch of all of them).
4. Simmer until thickened.
5. Serve and eat with you steak.

Yummy Creamy Mushroom Sauce

This recipe can also be used with grilled chicken.
you can use white wine if you like.
you can use any herbs you prefer and play with the recipe, discover additional ingredients to make it more yummy.

Enjoy your meal!!!


  1. This is a lovely blog talking about cuisine which is an integral part of culture and civilization of any race.keep up the good work Judith.

  2. Thank you very much gistfactory. I appreciate.
