
Thursday, 7 August 2014

Read and Read more about the Ebola Virus, be careful and safe...

There is currently an Ebola outbreak putting all of us at risk. The least we can do for each other is sharing the right information, educating ourselves more on how to make sure it is contained and eradicated fast and not spreading false information inflicting fear on people.
What is EBOLA? It is a virus that attacks a person blood system: Ebola is what scientists call a haemorraghic fever - it operates by making its victims bleed from almost anywhere on their body. Usually victims bleed to death. 
EBOLA is highly contagious; Being transmitted via contact with body fluids such as blood, sweat, saliva, semen or other body discharges. EBOLA is however NOT AN AIRBORNE VIRUS!
It is EXTREMELY deadly; About 90% of people that catch Ebola will die from it. It's one of the deadliest diseases in the world killing in just few weeks. 
Untreatable (no cure) It has no known treatment or cure victims are usually treated for symptoms with the faint hope that they will recover but they seem to have been a breakthrough in the US with a serum that cured a victim, its still under experimentation and have not been allowed to be distributed yet.
How to know Someone has Ebola? (these are similar signs to fever so it is advisable not to touch anyone sick)
Fever, Headache, Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Weakness, Joint & Muscle Pains, Stomach Pain, and Lack of Appetite.
How to Protect Yourself;
Wash your hands with soap regularly, Have a good hand sanitizer with you all the time and apply when you shake someone or touch public things, Avoid unnecessary physical contact with people, Restrict yourself to food you prepare, Disinfect your surroundings, The virus cannot survive disinfectant, heat, direct sunlight, detergents and soaps.

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If you want to know more about the Ebola Virus, then read this alert from the US Embassy here in Nigeria...
In order to help our Embassy Community better understand some of the key points about the Ebola Virus we have consulted with our medical specialists at the US State Department and assembled this list of bullet points worded in plain language for easy comprehension. Our medical specialists remind everyone that they should be following the guideline from the centre for disease control and the World Health Organisation.

  • The suspected reservoirs for Ebola are fruits bats.
  • Transmission to humans is thought to originate from infected bats or primates that have become infected by bats.
  • Undercooked infected bat and primate (bush) meat transmits the virus to humans.
  • Human to human transmission is only achieved by physical contact with a person who is acutely and gravely ill from Ebola virus or their body fluids.
  • Transmission among humans is almost exclusively among caregiver family members or health care workers tending to the very ill.
  • The virus is easily killed by contact with soap, bleach, sunlight, or drying, A washing machine will kill the virus in clothing saturated with infected body fluids.
  • A person can incubate the virus without symptoms for 2-21 days, the average being 5-8 days before becoming ill. THEY ARE NOT CONTAGIOUS until they are acutely ill.
  • Only when ill does the vital load express itself first in the blood and then in other bodily fluids (to include vomit, feces, urine, breast milk, semen and sweat).
  • If you are walking around you are not infectious to others.
  • There are documented cases from Kikwit, DRC of an Ebola outbreak in a village that had the custom of children never touching an ill adult, Children living for days in small one room huts with parents who died from Ebola did not become infected.
  • You cannot contract Ebola by handling money, buying local bread or swimming in a pool.
  • There is no medical reason to stop flights, close borders, restrict travel or close embassies, businesses or schools.
  • As always practice good hand washing techniques, but you will not contact Ebola if you do not touch a dying person.
  • US Embassy.

Please share this information with your friends and families and try not to spread panic on social media...

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